The Sydney Feminists
Intersectional-inclusive- insightful
(est. 2002)

Links: External Organisations and Groups
Mainstream Women's Organisations:
National Foundation for Australian Women
National Council of Women Australia
The Australian Women's Register - The Australian Women's Register is a rich and growing source of information about Australian women and their organisations.
UN Women Australia - works as a dynamic and strong champion for women and girls, providing them with a powerful voice at the global, regional and local levels
The Workplace Gender Equality Agency
Women with Disabilities Australia - the peak organisation for women with all types of disabilities in Australia.
Country Women's Association of Australia - Aims to improve the conditions for women and children and make life better for families, especially those living in rural and remote Australia.
(YWCA Australia) Young Women's Christian Association - A women-led organisation that achieves positive change by providing advocacy, programs and services for women, families and communities.
Destroy the Joint- This Facebook page is for people who are sick of the sexism dished out to women in public roles in Australia, whether they be the Prime Minister or any other woman
Australian Women Donors - investing in women and girls
The Association of Australian Women Educators - a coalition of primary and secondary teachers, representatives of government and non-government teacher unions, school administrators, tertiary educators and others committed to gender equity and the full participation of women and girls in education.
Australian Women Writers - part of the growing world-wide movement to raise awareness of excellent writing by women.
The Recovery Village - an organization dedicated to helping those struggling with substance abuse and co-occurring disorders
Female Empowerment Businesses, Education Programs and Awards:
Women’s Network Australia – business network exclusively for women
JERA International (JERA) is a not-for-profit organisation that promotes Justice, Equality, Rights and Access to bring about positive change for women and help them develop self-esteem and confidence.
WOMEN'S AGENDA is the digital destination for career-minded women, where women (and men) help women achieve.
Enlighten Education - Enlighten Education’s programs help teenage girls decode the mixed messages they receive
The Edna Ryan Awards - a celebration of women who make a feminist difference
SALT - Supporting and Linking Tradeswomen - free and paid workshops to teach women tradie skills!
Online E-Zines and Feminist News Resources
Sheilas - Sheilas is a monthly, national e-publication brought to you by the Victorian Women’s Trust.
Lip Magazine - Lip is an independent magazine for young women, that aims to provide intelligent, thoughtful content for our equally intelligent and thoughtful readers. You may not find crass sex advice and body-shaming fashion pages here, but you will discover wonderful new female artists and musicians, a fresh outlook on feminism, and enough sass to shock the fainthearted.
Daily Life - online source of news and lifestyle content for busy Australian women. It offers its readers the perfect daily mix of news, opinion, food, celebrity, style, beauty, health and relationships.
Alcohol and other drugs:
Domestic Violence and Substance Abuse - an organisation that provides resources and information for people struggling with substance abuse, domestic violence, mental illness and depression.
Girls’ Organisations:
Girl Guides NSW & ACT - provides a values based dynamic and flexible non-formal educational program for girls and young women in a fun and supportive girl’s only environment.
Reproductive Justice & Gynaecological Health:
WAAC (Women's Abortion Action Campaign) (Also find them on Facebook)
Reproductive Choice Australia - the peak representative body of pro-choice groups in Australia and campaigns on local, state and national issues.
No FGM Australia - a not for profit organisation aimed at highlighting the existence of and abolishing Female Genital Mutilation in Australia.
Gynopedia is a free resource for sexual and reproductive health care across the globe. On the Sydney page, we provide free information on a range of topics, including: birth control, the morning after pill, STI tests, menstrual products, clinics, abortion laws, women’s organizations, LGBTQ resources, and more.
Women's Health Resources - provides valuable information about sexual health, fertility, birth, policy and more topics.
Help & Health Centres:
Gay and Lesbian Counselling Service of NSW
The Liverpool Women’s Resource Centre
People with Disabilities Australia
SWOP – Sex Workers Outreach Program
Open Colleges - See their page on Gender Equality
Feminist Videos and Video Blogs:
Feminist Frequency - Conversations with Pop Culture. An ongoing series of videoblog commentaries from a fangirl/feminist perspective.
Gayle Tzemach Lemmon: Women entrepreneurs, example not exception - TEDx Video
Sam and Steve - an Equal Pay Story (Australia)
Legal Services:
Women’s Legal Services NSW - a community legal centre providing women across NSW with a range of free legal services.
The Feminist Legal Clinic - a specialist practice focusing on discrimination law.
Sexual Harassment in Australia
Law Access NSW – a free government service for people who have a legal problem in NSW
Workplace Harassment Info Pages and Resources:
Workplace bullying: Violence, Harassment and Bullying Fact Sheet
Sexual Harassment - Information for Employees
Anti-Sexual Discrimination Board of NSW - Sexual Harassment
Australian Fair Work Ombudsman: Bullying and harassment
A Guide to Workplace Bullying (UK)
Australian Feminist Blogs:
Feminaust - made in Australia for you to show us your feminism and for us to introduce what other feminists are saying, doing and fighting for.
Rantings of an Aboriginal Feminist
Blue Milk - thinking + motherhood = feminist
The News with Nipples – a blog about the news and sexism
LGBTQIA Services/ Groups:
Acon - a New South Wales based health promotion organisation specialising in HIV prevention, HIV support and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) health.
Reach Out - Need help with sex, sexuality, gender or trans questions? There are national as well as state and territory-based services with volunteers and staff who have had personal experience of or training in dealing with LGBTQI problems.
The Gender Centre Inc - committed to developing and providing services and activities, which enhance the ability of people with gender issues to make informed choices.
Sydney Gaymers – a community organisation that provides safe spaces for LGBTQUAI folks. Check out Gaymer Girls, “our female oriented, all-inclusive bi-monthly women’s meetup!”
Sydney Femme Guild - a queer feminist not-for-profit incorporated association working to create an awareness, understanding, and ultimately a celebration of femme identity within the LGBTQI community.
Australian Asexuals - founded by members of the Sydney asexual social group as a way to represent asexuality at the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras.
Women’s/Feminist Collectives and Action Groups:
Women's March Sydney - working since March day to organise ongoing actions in support of equality, civility, and justice.
Collective Shout - a grassroots campaigning movement against the objectification of women and sexualisation of girls in media, advertising and popular culture.
NSW Women's Network - a branch of Amnesty International
A Fair Agenda – feminist campaigning group known for its awareness-raising petitions.
Parenting Payments for Parents – NOT Newstart – Facebook group
Reclaim the Night Sydney - Organising committee for Sydney's annual Reclaim the Nught March held each October. This is the Facebook page.
Save Our Women’s Services - a coalition of women and women’s services protecting the rights of homeless women and children in NSW.
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Women’s Community Groups:
Immigrant Women's Speakout Association NSW - the peak advocacy, information/referral and research body representing the ideas and issues of immigrant and refugee women in NSW.
Hazara Women of Australia - a non-for profit organization with the fundamental objective of creating a healthy, peaceful atmosphere and safe environment for Afghan community and specifically for women who have experienced war and persecution.
SAWA – support association for the women of Afghanistan
Mahboba’s Promise - an Australian non-profit organisation dedicated to the women and children of Afghanistan
Global Feminism:
International Women’s Development Agency - the only Australian development agency entirely focussed on gender equality and women’s rights in Asia and the Pacific.
AWID – Association for Women’s Rights in Development
WILPF - The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom aims to achieve a more just and equal world, free of war and violence, where everyone has the full benefit of human rights.
Equality Now - an organization that advocates for the human rights of women and girls around the world by raising international visibility of individual cases of abuse.
UN Women Watch - United Nations Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality
Desert Flower Foundation – Waris Dirie’s foundation to eradicate the practice of FGM
Feminist Majority Foundation - a cutting edge organization dedicated to women's equality, reproductive health, and non-violence.
Feministing - an online community for feminists and their allies.
Fawcett Society - Fawcett is the UK’s leading campaign for equality between women and men. Where there's an inequality gap between women and men we're working to close it.
Jezebel - irreverently written articles centred around women, particularly in the USA
Bitch Media - Bitch Media’s mission is to provide and encourage an engaged, thoughtful feminist response to mainstream media and popular culture.
A Thousand Reasons- On 8 March 2012, International Women’s Day, British novelist Linda Grant used her Twitter account to discuss the continuing necessity of feminism.
Ms.Blog - award-winning magazine recognized nationally and internationally as the media expert on issues relating to women’s status, women’s rights, and women’s points of view
Being Fruitful Without Multiplying - an anthology of true stories by many women and a few men revolving around the elements of nature and nurture that led to their decisions not to procreate.
Feminist Theology - a movement found in religions like Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and even New Thought. This is where women have tried to get everyone to reconsider religious traditions, scriptures, practices, and even theologies from a woman’s perspective.
Women's Media Center - amplifying women's voices, changing the conversation
Queer Feminism - QueerFeminism.com stands in radical opposition to patriarchy through providing education and resources, fostering discussion in and out of feminist circles, and challenging openly challenging all patriarchal beliefs.
Lesbian Feminist Links - a great resource page for articles and essays.
Violence Against Women:
AWAVA: Australian Women Against Violence Alliance - established in March 2010 as one of six National Women’s Alliances funded by the Australian Government.
Rape and Domestic Violence Services Australia - provides the 24/7 telephone and online crisis counselling service for anyone in Australia who has experienced or is at risk of sexual violence, family or domestic violence
NSW Women's Refuge Movement - The Office of The NSW Women’s Refuge Movement was established as a central point of contact for the NSW Women’s Refuge Movement (WRM): representing a network of 55 refuges and affiliate services for women and children escaping domestic violence across NSW.
One Billion Stronger – Our mission is to help prevent one billion attacks on women and girls, with a focus on developing countries, by helping them speak up, stand tall and know they are STRONGER THAN THEY THINK.
White Ribbon Campaign – male-led campaign to end violence against women.
Men and Feminism:
Men and Feminism - An Australian website "dedicated to bringing together conversations on how men relate to feminism(s)".
XY Online - XY is a website focused on men, masculinities, and gender politics.
Jackson Katz.com - the website of one of America's leading anti-sexist male activists.
TomKeith.net - website of anti-sexist film maker, author and lecturer Dr. Tom Keith.
NOMAS (The National Organization for Men Against Sexism) - a U.S. activist organization of men and women supporting positive changes for men.
V-Men - The male branch of V-Day: men who are participating in the campaign to end violence against women. Read their inspiring stories.